The Stormwater Construction Permit

Course Description

The Stormwater Construction permit is the template for designing Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plans (SWPPPs) for development projects. This comprehensive class guides participants through the many permit conditions and requirements pertaining to various development scenarios, as well as the steps of site planning, design, evaluation and reporting necessary for obtaining NYSDEC stormwater permit coverage in New York State. The class begins with a thorough review of the latest version of the permit (2020). Then, beginning with the evaluation of pre-developed conditions and project objectives, the sequential process of site planning, stormwater practice selection Erosion & Sediment Control design and SMP design are reviewed. Hydrology computations for WQv, CPv, OBv, ExSv, and RRv are then covered. The class concludes with a review of the SWPPP outline, the Notice Of Intent (NOI), and the establishment of maintenance programs.

~ 4.0 PDH ~

Lead Instructor

John Dunkle, PE, CPESC, CMS4S

John is a graduate of SUNY ESF and Syracuse University, and has been practicing civil engineering since 1981. Working with both private developers and municipalities on site planning and development projects, John has prepared and reviewed SWPPP’s, provided guidance for MS4’s, participated with DEC in the development of the current Stormwater regulations, and conducted stormwater trainings for contractors, developers, engineers, and municipal officials.

Course Curriculum

Course Enrollment