Stormwater Hydrology and the New Design Manual
Course Description
Predicting the volume and rate of runoff from rain events is an essential skill for stormwater engineers. This class will examine in detail all the factors that influence runoff: precipitation, soils, ground cover, drainage area, and time of concentration. The techniques and standards that are outlined in the latest version of the Design Manual for computing runoff rates and volumes will be reviewed. Determining detention storage volumes and modeling of reservoirs, outlet structures, and solar farms will also be addressed, along with hydrology modeling techniques to address climate change.
~ 4.0 PDH ~
Lead Instructor
John Dunkle, PE, CPESC, CMS4S
John is a graduate of SUNY ESF and Syracuse University, and has been practicing civil engineering since 1981. Working with both private developers and municipalities on site planning and development projects, John has prepared and reviewed SWPPP’s, provided guidance for MS4’s, participated with DEC in the development of the current Stormwater regulations, and conducted stormwater trainings for contractors, developers, engineers, and municipal officials.