SWPPP Preparation and Review

Course Description

Preparing, reviewing and implementing a Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) is essential to stormwater management for both the public and private sectors. The SWPPP is a key component of the Construction General Permit, the Multi Sector General Permit, and of Minimum Control Measures 4, 5, and 6 of the MS4 General Permit. This class reviews all of the required elements of partial and full SWPPPs, including site planning, erosion and sedimentation, hydrology, good housekeeping, and post-construction management and maintenance. Updates to the Design Manual are incorporated in the review. Preparation of Municipal Facility SWPPPs, a new requirement of MCM 6 of the MS4 permit, are also covered.

~ 4.0 PDH ~

Lead Instructor

John Dunkle, PE, CPESC, CMS4S

John is a graduate of SUNY ESF and Syracuse University, and has been practicing civil engineering since 1981. Working with both private developers and municipalities on site planning and development projects, John has prepared and reviewed SWPPP’s, provided guidance for MS4’s, participated with DEC in the development of the current Stormwater regulations, and conducted stormwater trainings for contractors, developers, engineers, and municipal officials.

Course Curriculum

  Construction SWPPPs/General Overview
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Site Planning and ESC
Available in days
days after you enroll
  SMP Modeling and Selection
Available in days
days after you enroll

Course Enrollment